Friday, September 17, 2010

Ag n Chat Overnighter

Last Wednesday and Thursday saw 7 Ag n Chat ladies embark on an overnight trip taking in the sights of Narrandera, Hay, and Deniliquin. Our first stop was Lavande Aromatiques at Narrandera to hear about Joanne's passion for lavender.

The gardens smelt absolutely amazing with all the lavender plants there.

"Wyreema " Kelpie Stud was our next stop to visit Gordie McMaster and his dogs. The stud was established in 1882 and is the oldest stud of it's kind in the world.

This is Seanie, Gordon's best dog and one of the top sire's in Australia. We watched Seanie work and he showed us just how intelligent he is - it was amazing to watch!

The homes of Gordie's dogs - under the shade of ancient pepper trees - perfect!!
Gordie ready to show us a demonstration of his beautiful, intelligent dogs.

Our next stop was Shear Outback at Hay to take a look at the history of shearing in Australia. I think these sheep are fake??!!

Blade shear and hand piece display at Shear Outback.

Kim, Jan, Me, Wendy, Carol, and Barb at the famous Peppin Merino at Wanganella, near Deniliquin - Anne is taking the photo.

We were very lucky to visit North Tuppal shearing shed where a recent re-enactment of the famous Tom Roberts painting "Shearing of the Rams" took place. The manager of the property, Bernard showed us around and gave us the history of this famous shed.

The catching pens behind the board.

This is the 72 stand board measuring a staggering 88 metres long!

Bernard, the manager giving us some history around one of the wool tables.

This is the massive wool room with the original Humble woolpress.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Small Town

The following is something I found on David's Farm Blog - I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing it, but I thought it was very clever and oh so true!!! I changed a few of the entries to suit my "small town" which only has a population of about 590! Our town has a pub, a cafe, a post office, a fuel station, a grain receival depot, footy ground, netball court, 4 tennis courts, a small primary school, a couple of churches, a community hall and that's about it! But more importantly we also have lots of wonderful country folk who live in the town or nearby on farms!!

You Know You’re From A Small Town When:

• The local phone book has only one yellow page.

• Third Street is on the edge of town.

• The “road hog” in front of you on Main Street is a farmer’s tractor.

• You leave your jacket on the back of the chair in the cafe, and when you go back the next day, it’s still there on the same chair.

• You don’t signal turns because everyone knows where you’re going anyway.

• No social events can be scheduled when the hall floor is being varnished.

• You call a wrong number and they supply you with the correct one.

• Everyone knows all the news before it’s published; they just read the hometown paper to see whether the publisher got it right.

• A “Night on the Town” takes only 2 minutes.

• You have to name six surrounding towns to explain to people where you’re from.

• Headline news is who grew the biggest vegetable this year.

• You can name everyone you went to school with.

• Anyone you want can be found at the pub.

• Directions are given out using the pub as reference.

Rising Waters

Yesterday evening Farmer Phil and I took a quick trip into Wagga to have a look at the rising waters of the Murrumbidgee River (Aboriginal for "big water" or "plenty water"). The river was to get to a peak depth of 7.3m at midnight after a lot of rain in the catchment area over the weekend - we received 30mm.

Here is Farmer Phil at Wagga's iconic Hampden Bridge. It's been a long time since the river has seen a large volume of water come down it. The river last flooded in 1993 with a peak of 8.8m at Wagga. Wagga has a levee bank system built in the 1960's to protect the city from flooding. The depth indicator is showing 6.7m, so it still had another 60cm to reach last night's expected peak.

We had a look at Wagga's "beach" that the famous "5 o'clock wave" goes past. Everyone in Wagga must have thought the same as us because there were car loads of people coming to have a look at the river. All the kids had never seen the river with so much water in it.