Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Rain, Glorious, Rain

Yep, it's happened again - we've had rain overnight. 15mm in fact, which is absolutely fantastic. This will mean a much bigger harvest than we expected and many more dollars in our bank account! The wheat heads have filled with a quarter to half a grain in them so far. Now this rain will fill the heads completely.

The photo is taken from the same spot as this one from 2 weeks ago so you can see the difference a few weeks makes - the canola has finished flowering.

This will eventually be our front yard. It's just a big,flat dirt area at the moment. For the last 7 years in fact, since we built the house! We had a mossy rock wall installed 10 months ago, but haven't been game to spend the money on a watering system, turf and the proposed swimming pool because of the run of drought years we've had.

This morning Farmer Phil said it looks like we'll be able to finally finish off the yard the way we want it now! Yippee!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are getting the rain that you need.
