Monday, October 13, 2008

Waterski Camp

What a great week we've just had at waterski camp. As you can see from the photo, the view from the kitchen window was to die for! It was very pleasant preparing meals and cleaning up afterwards when you've got that view to look at!

Everything went very smoothly and cooking for 20 people wasn't such a drama. The kids had to clear and wash their own dishes if they wanted a bonus 4th ski. It worked very well, but some kids obviously don't do the dishes at home!

We had a visit from about 20 cows and calves one night, so here I am cleaning up their calling cards! The kids put on a talent show for us one night too which all the parents thought was hilarious! Who knew that these kids were so talented!

It's back reality now with Farmer Phil inspecting crops for aphids and heliothis moths. He's also getting the header ready for harvest which will start in about 3 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Donna, Glad to see you found your true calling in life....scooping poop haha. Seriously looks like a great place. Loving your blog and you've inspired me to get back into it, and with my part time hours now, blogs should be more forthcoming. Even featured your handicraft recently...have a look.
