Monday, March 23, 2009

Beach Carnival

The Friday before Gala Day is Beach Carnival at Yanco Ag. It is exactly like a beach carnival held at the seaside except that it's held on a sandy beach on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River. The students compete in flag races, chariot races, iron man events and tug of wars. It's a fantastic family day and the kids love competing for their Houses. Just before lunch all the Houses have to do a march past accompanied by the Drum Corp and they are judged on their marching abilities. This competition is always hotly contested with the Houses having marching practice for weeks coming up to the carnival.


  1. Love these photos!! Spotted them straight away as we have very similar photos from when my brother went to Yanco.. Thanks for the memories!!!

  2. Glad I could spark those memories, Pennie! Beach Carnival is a really fun day for everyone! I just read your blog - keep it going, I was enjoying it. I love your I Remember quilt - mine is still in pattern form, but I'll make it one day! Donna
