Sunday, May 31, 2009

Woohoo - We're Finished!!!

Yes, finally the crop is all sown as of last night!! All 5000ac, or 2000Ha of it! We had a bit of a lull last week as last weekend was supposed to bring us some rain but all we got was 6mm. So we kept sowing until we were finished. The weather report now says that we are to get rain almost every day this week! We never know whether to believe the reports or not, so we'll just wait and see. I'll take some photos of what the crops look like now after being sown for 5 weeks. The canola is looking good at the four leaf stage.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Donna, must be a great feeling to have it all done. We've still got about 300ha to go (out of 950ha). So probably just over a week to go for us. And more rain would be wonderful.
