Friday, September 25, 2009

Sam Bailey Visit

For the past 12 months or so I've been wanting our small community to host an event for the wider community to come together for a night of fun and laughter, and to forget about the farm/drought for a while and just have an enjoyable, cheap night out with the whole family.

About 2 months ago I thought of an idea and put it to our Ag n Chat ladies at a meeting that I hosted in August. I suggested that we bring Sam and Jenny Bailey to speak at a community function. The idea was met with great enthusiasm, so with the help of a couple of ladies we're in the process of organising Sam's visit to us in October.

For those who've never heard of Sam and Jenny, here is a concise version of their incredible story from Sam's website:

Sam suffered a spinal injury in a car accident when jackarooing in the Northern Territory at 19 years of age, leaving his a C6/C7 quadriplegic. Against the odds, he returned to the family farm and fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a farmer. In 1999 Sam married ABC Radio Rural Reporter, Jenny Black, after proposing to her "live" on ABC Regional Radio. At the time Jenny had spent 17 years as a newspaper and radio journalist. She now helps Sam run their Croppa Creek farm, speaks with him and together they're about to start writing his next book. They appeared in February 2000 on ABC Television's "Australian Story" and their book "Head Over Heals" was published by ABC Books in 2006.

I had seen Sam and Jenny's story on ABC's Australian Story and then I'd read their book and thought what a wonderfully inspirational couple they are. The night is being fully sponsored by local businesses and sporting clubs in our community so that everyone in our area has an opportunity to attend. I received this letter included with a sponsorship cheque, and wanted to share it with you:

"Having viewed the documentary on Australian Story and read their book, it is impossible not to admire this couple. Not only have they achieved amazing feats individually and together, when dealing with their own problems, Sam has reached out and offered an incredible amount of support to others coping with some of the devastating challenged life deals out. A truly remarkable couple who are well qualified to inspire others!"

We're all very excited about the event and can't wait for the date to arrive!

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