Monday, February 13, 2012

Always Busy

Every second day Ryan has been inspecting the grain bags of wheat filled at harvest to make sure that they are in good condition. Birds, foxes, kangaroos and emus will put holes in them which need to be patched up with silo tape.

Some of the bags have a lot of tape on them and resemble a patchwork quilt!

Look at what I had to contend with this morning!!! We have not owned sheep for about 5 years now - Farmer Phil hates sheep and does not tolerate them on his cropping paddocks at all! We have a mob of sheep being agisted on one of the paddocks that we do not grow crop on as it's too steep and full of rocks and trees. I received a mercy call this morning from Farmer Phil - the sheep had escaped their paddock and were happily tramping all over Farmer Phil's good cropping paddock.

I grabbed Lucy the retired sheep dog and rounded the rogues up and got them back in their correct paddock. I haven't worked sheep in quite a few years but was happy that they all behaved themselves and marched straight back into their paddock.

Lucy was happy to stay on the back of the ute and bark instead of rounding the sheep up. Actually, I didn't want to let her off in case she ran around in front of them by mistake as she hasn't seen a sheep in a long time and maybe wouldn't remember what to do! Jack kept her company and let out a few helpful barks along the way too!

Farmer Phil has been busy doing more spraying after we received rain again on Friday. It's mainly just self sown wheat from harvest time which has sprouted. Easy to get rid of with Roundup.

We've had a water ski tournament on every weekend for the last month with one more next weekend before we get two weekends in a row at home - yeah! Ryan is jumping 6m more than last season so he's happy with that! He will be skiing at the Australian Nationals at Easter, so we'll be skiing for another few months yet!

Emma is back at school as a Senior in Year 11. She is a dormitory prefect for the Year 7's and 8's. During week one she had to soothe each girl in her dorm who were all feeling homesick! She said they've all now settled into life at boarding school with no more crying episodes! She dressed as a fairy complete with tutu, wings and tiara for the annual swimming carnival and went in every race except butterfly to get points for her house. It must have worked because Mighty Mutch House won the carnival yet again!

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