This afternoon, in between filling up mobile tanks with liquid nitrogen, delivering them to the air seeder and filling up it's tanks, and helping Farmer Phil scrub nozzles off the boom spray unit, I whipped up two cot-size quilts for two very special little boys - although I still need to get the bindings done.
My oldest friend Andrea who I met when we were 11 year old school girls has just become a first time mum! I'm so excited for her because at almost 43 she and her husband were beginning to lose hope. They eventually became parents to Maxwell and Alexander after many IVF attempts and the help of a surrogate mother in the USA!
The quilts will be sent off to NZ at the end of the week! As you can imagine, the mother of twins doesn't get a lot of spare time to herself so there's no danger of ruining my surprise because Andrea is too busy to have a look at my blog!
The fabric is called "Peak Hour" - perfect for 2 active little boys!
The fabric is so fun I decided to just cut it up into 6" strips and quilt it in the ditch - so simple!
The end result!
so cute. Such a great fabric line. Those quilts are sure to be loved!