Monday, December 30, 2013

Emma's High School Graduation!

September 19th was Emma's Graduation from High School.  It's hard to believe that we have finished with high school - it only seems like yesterday when we sent Emma off as a tiny 4 year old to Kindergarten!!

Emma had no preconceived idea of what her formal dress was to look like.  She just said that she wanted something completely different to what the other girls in her year would wear.  So we decided to buy a dress for her on our trip to the USA and Canada in July/August.
The first shop we walked into we were both drawn to a particular dress.  Emma tried it on and we immediately knew that it was "the one"!!!  The shoes came from the same shop in Calgary, Canada also.
It was definitely different from any of the other girl's dresses - for starters it was patterned and fitted.  Her hair was sleek and stylish.  She looked stunning!!

This is Emma's music teacher Miss Elyse North - you could not find a better music teacher in the whole of Australia!

Emma's best friends - Ness, Steph, Emma and Courtney!

The graduating class of Yanco Agricultural High school 2013!

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