Well it seems that our small furry problem from a few weeks ago is not so small anymore!!!
After finishing sowing almost 1500ac of canola a few weeks ago it looks like we're going to have to re-sow almost all of it after it was decimated by mice. The pesky little s***s have not only eaten the seed before it sprouted, but they've also munched off the newly emerged canola plants!
Farmer Phil had spread the paddocks with poisoned wheat seed through the fertiliser spreader, but it looks like all our efforts over the last month have been for nothing!!
We've sown about 1000ac of wheat with another 2000ac still to sow. So it looks like this cropping season will be a long, frustrating one!!!
After finishing sowing almost 1500ac of canola a few weeks ago it looks like we're going to have to re-sow almost all of it after it was decimated by mice. The pesky little s***s have not only eaten the seed before it sprouted, but they've also munched off the newly emerged canola plants!
Farmer Phil had spread the paddocks with poisoned wheat seed through the fertiliser spreader, but it looks like all our efforts over the last month have been for nothing!!
We've sown about 1000ac of wheat with another 2000ac still to sow. So it looks like this cropping season will be a long, frustrating one!!!
Oh Donna - that is a real blow. I loathe mice but on that scale they are an entirely different problem....!!
Oh Donna, I'm so sorry. A huge financial blow I'm sure, not to mention the long and exhausting task of re-planting.
(You have reminded me to go and throw some bait out, I could hear the little devils in the ceiling last night).
I feel your pain Donna! My husband is a little worried for the last paddock of wheat that we have just finished planting as he described it as a "moving mass of mice"! Not to mention the grief they are causing us indoors!!! I am a little sick and tired of cleaning out the wardrobes and re-washing everything!
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