Town or Country
Definitely country! We're off to Sydney for 4 nights this weekend and after the first day the novelty will have worn off!!
Music or Books
Music or Books
Love both - read every night in bed but sing to my hearts content alone in the car!
Perfect Day
Perfect Day
A day out with friends, eating and drinking, and water skiing
Clooney or Pitt
Brad Pitt ♥

Romantic Hero or Action Hero
Romantic Hero - any actor in a rom com who sweeps the girl off her feet!
Prince Frederick or Prince William
Prince Frederick - he's a man's man and because he picked "our Mary"!
Princess Diana or Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge
Princess Diana
Heels or favourite winter boots
Boots - I have 4 pair of RM's and 3 pair of dressy boots (I'm too tall for high heels!)
Australian Stockman or Surfer
Definitely rugged Australian Stockman ♥
Chocolate or Coffee

Chocolate ♥ - can't stand the smell of coffee!
Great Shoes or Gorgeous Underwear
Great Shoes or Gorgeous Underwear

Love to look at pretty shoes - only two people get to see the undies!!
Pedicure, manicure or massage
Massage although I've never had one!
Rodeo's or Picnic Races
Only been to one rodeo and never been to picnics so can't decide (horse races are always on at busy farm times
Talk it out or keep it to yourself
Keep it to myself - don't want to burden people
Karaoke - first to sing, last to sing or absolutely-no-not-ever
Never really had the opportunity but dream of getting up on stage and singing to my hearts content
One Beauty Product that you would recommend or can't live without
Body Shop Shea Body Butter - yum!
One book you would recommend to anyone or that you love and can read over and over again
Loved Twilight series, Harry Potter series and anything by Rachael Treasure
Loved Twilight series, Harry Potter series and anything by Rachael Treasure
Summer or winter

Summer - hate being cold and layered in clothing
One life-changing moment
The day I met Farmer Phil
Camping or 5 star
Love our annual summer camping holiday although we've graduated to a caravan now, but also love to stay in a nice 5 star hotel for the weekend
One movie that makes you cry everytime
The Notebook
One moment you would like to revisit if you could
The days before my dad died from lung/brain cancer - just didn't say the things I wanted to, although I'm sure dad knew what I was thinking
Favourite movie/song
Grease/The Notebook/Sweet Home Alabama/Love Actually - the list goes on.....
Have too many favourite songs - I have a mix of music on my iPod from classical to AC/DC
Who would play you in the movie of your life
Maybe Jennifer Aniston or Reece Witherspoon
Who would play the handsome hero in the movie of your life

Since I was 11 - we only had 2 years together at school but keep in contact even though we're in different countries
3 things you have yet to do
Travel overseas - Canada, New Zealand and Europe
Would also love to Trek the Kokoda Trail
Become a squillionaire!!
Become a squillionaire!!
School days - happy or sad, good or bad memories
Happy, but just wish I hadn't been so shy!
What - or who - always makes you feel better on those more challenging days
Alone time just pottering around the house or reading blogs I love
Recommend a blog/website
Favourite blogs are Bushbelles of course, Ree at The Pioneer Woman, Fiona from Cattle, Kids and Chaos and The Itty, Bitty, Kitty Committee (I ♥ cats!)
Something you are passionate about now
Women in agriculture can do anything!
Happier now than you were at 20 - honestly
Happier now than you were at 20 - honestly
Happier - at 20 I was newly married with a small baby!
Describe yourself in one word only
Words to live by

What is the one thing you know for sure
Life goes on no matter what!
Thanks so much for sharing your answers. Really enjoyed reading them.
Donna, I was most chuffed to see you included me in a list of blogs you'd recommend. Thankyou so much. Love catching up on what's happening in your farming world ... the boss is away from here at the moment, leaving me in charge of the irrigator. At the moment I'm not a lover of farming. I do cows better.
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